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[2 levels] Nuclear Apocalypse


Ranked as 23011 on our all-time top downloads list with 2608 downloads.

Filename apocnuk.zip (Download)
Title [2 levels] Nuclear Apocalypse
Description lLevels with a story and contest.
Author Aaron Staley (usaar33@yahoo.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Game Levels (Super Mario)
File Size 4,718 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jan 4 02:55:37 2000
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Scott Potter
Reviewed on 2004-11-20
Nuclear Apocalypse
Difficulty: 5/10
How long it took me to beat: 1 hour
Overall Score: B

“Nuclear Apocalypse” is a decent world with some very creative levels. As a result, the first few levels are well worth playing. Mostly they are difficult due to their length rather than any one sticking point, which gives these levels a smooth feel. I was disappointed however by two later levels. I am never a fan of dark levels, especially the one in this world. While the beginning is creative, once you have gone about three screen widths into the level, you can simply hold jump and right to beat the level. The final level was also a let down. It felt rather pointless as it was simply a matter of guessing which path to take (and then memorizing the correct path). Definitely a let down to an otherwise interesting set of levels.

Nuclear Apocalypse Pt. 2
Difficulty: 4/10
How long it took me to beat: 15 minutes
Overall Score: C

I know these levels were intended to go together, however I purposely split them up. While “Nuclear Apocalypse” was creative, “Nuclear Apocalypse Part 2” feels rather dull. The levels feel much more repetitive. Also, the author attempted to make his world special by creating an end “Bowser” that could only be beaten by cheating. This only makes the end level feel rather dumb (though you can beat “Bowser” using a bug in the game).

As a result I would recommend “Nuclear Apocalypse,” but not “Nuclear Apocalypse Part 2.” These levels would be best for moderate players.


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Name Size
AARON3.86S   1045
AARON2.86S   2228
contest.txt   2516

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