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RPG v1.1


Ranked as 2032 on our all-time top downloads list with 11115 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename rpg.zip (Download)
Title RPG v1.1
Description A long, difficult Role Playing Game.
Author Cullen Sauls (sauls@tamu.edu)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 15,457 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jul 25 05:29:35 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Joe Stegner
Reviewed on 2004-11-21
Attention span: 8/10 Nice storyline, very hard.
Controls: 8/10 Sometimes hard to enter towns.
Implementation: 7/10 Things expected in RPGs missing.
Overall: 8/10 Good RPG.

RPG's...what would the world do without them? RPG 1.1 for the TI-86, while the title isn't that original :P, does have a gusto to it. But is it as good as other RPG's we've seen?

First off, the storyline is quite nice. The author (Cullen Sauls) did a nice job with it. While it isn't Final Fantasy material, it still is a nice plot. Second, it has the usual ditto about random attacks on the overworld map and the usual battle scenes with enemies on the left and your party on the right, and it does this quite nicely. Also, it is a tad difficult, as you constantly get attacked by enemies; sometimes without moving more than two steps. It is also very hard to run away from enemies, as 3/4th of the time I got "can't run" when I attempted to. This probably makes it more difficult than most RPG's. I also enjoy the fact there are three save spots, giving it the feel of a commercial RPG.

But, the game isn't as involving as many other RPG's out there. By that I mean by the game itself. Towns are just basically text-based, where you either enter the item shop, enter the inn, or exit. If you're expecting people to talk to during your journey, think again. Basically the overworld is you represented as a stick figure. Games like Joltima and The Quest III do a much better job of representing your character(s) when they're walking about. Also, there isn't much detail in the overworld. You just walk around a huge square. I've also had troubles entering the towns, but it could just me.

Another thing is the battle system itself. I've noticed this in a few RPG's I've played. You have basically a warrior, a ninja, a healer, and a mage. You know the usual shtick about the former two being more powerful with attacks and the ladder two more powerful with magic. You'd also expect, since the former two are more powerful, they'd take more damage from hits while having high HP, while the ladder two, being a tad weak, would have a very high defense rating but low HP. But, in this game, everybody gets the same everything: HP/MP/EXP/Exp needed to level up/Damage from enemy. I know I'm knick-picking here, but I play a lot of RPG's and I've probably gotten used to that logic :P

Maybe I'm just too finicky, but hey, you notice the little stuff more often than the big picture. But, this is still a good RPG, it just lacks in some places.

I'll stop rambling now and let you resume your normal everyday TI-calculator-activities.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
RPGTitle.86s   1099
RPGLoad.86p   1189
RPG.86S   15400
RPG Manual.txt   11958
RPGReadme.txt   860

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