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AIchess v2.0b Final


Ranked as 2761 on our all-time top downloads list with 9428 downloads.
Ranked as 9465 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename aichess.zip (Download)
Title AIchess v2.0b Final
Description Chessprogram with features like AI, graphical pieces and more.
Author MadsDorup (tdtott@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Board/Chess)
File Size 4,852 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Dec 24 04:25:07 1999
Documentation Included? No


Review by  Nickisai Lang
Reviewed on 2011-07-23
AIchess v2.0b is chess program that lets play (only) against the computer. That is the main point of this program. But even this is not achieved. Let me explain.

The AI is very dumb. After finding its "Best Move" it will move one of the most pointless moves possible. It won't even block a 3 move checkmate. The good thing is that it doesn't take a long time. (that's why it is so dumb)

The graphics are nice. As with most chess games, it is a little harder to distinguish each piece.

I really don't like games that have 2000000 different sub-programs. It just makes the calc cluttered.

It would be really nice if there were labels, on the outside of the chess board, it just makes it easier to see.

It was fairly easy to operate, other than that.

I would reccomend this to a person who is REALLY REALLY bad at chess, like a typical 6 year old.

Playability: 5/10

Features: 7/10

Interface: 8/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
AICV20.83G   11009
readme.txt   3984

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