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Concentration v1.0


Ranked as 20857 on our all-time top downloads list with 2835 downloads.
Ranked as 19234 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename concentr.zip (Download)
Title Concentration v1.0
Description Can you remember where each card is?
Author Doug Torrance (profzoom@hotmail.com)
Category TI-82 Assembly Games (Ash)
File Size 5,676 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Dec 16 22:16:37 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Sam Heald
Reviewed on 2004-10-22
Attention span: 4/10 Simple premise
Controls: 8/10 Exit key is a little strange
Implementation: 6/10 Lacking features
Overall: 5/10 Mediocre

I think just about everybody has played a concentration/memory game before. The premise is very simple: Flip over 2 cards at a time, trying to match 2 identical symbols. At the end of a turn, the cards flip back over, so you have to try to remember which symbols are where in order to win.

Overall, Concentration is not too bad an implementation of this basic idea. The best thing about it would have to be its size, 1463 bytes. A lowscore and initials are kept. The title screen is not highly graphical, but it serves its purpose.

This game could be greatly improved, though. The original concept required two players to alternate turns with the winner being the one with the most matches at the end of the game. A two player game via a link or just on one calculator would have been a nice gameplay addition. Playing for a low score gets boring once you've maxed out. Better graphics also would have helped. The game uses huge cards (12x12), but the graphics under the cards are very bland. Sometimes the only difference between two cards is the color of the pixels. Graphical pictures would have made card locations easier to remember. Another suggestion might be to take a cue from MineSeeker and vary the playing field sizes (it would have to have multiple card sizes).

Essentially, this game, like many under 1500 bytes, is a little bland, nothing terribly bad or good. It'll probably stay on your calculator for about 2 weeks.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
concentr.asm   13595
CONCENTR.82P   1550
concentr.txt   1519

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