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Arkanoid 2 v1.03


Ranked as 443 on our all-time top downloads list with 28579 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 289 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.19.

Filename arkanoid2.zip (Download)
Title Arkanoid 2 v1.03
Description Written by James Rubingh. This is a 4-level grayscale game, just like the Atari 2600 classic! Arkanoid 2 uses a 256 directional ball movement engine and this makes directing it with the paddle interesting. If you hit the ball on the very edge of the paddle it will change the direction of the ball accordingly. If you hit the ball with the middle of the paddle the ball won't change angles other than going up when before it was coming down. The game features powerups, external levels and a Windows 95/98/NT level editor by corey taylor.
Author James Rubingh (james@acz.org)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 195,453 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Dec 22 03:18:10 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Joe Stegner
Reviewed on 2004-11-21
Attention span: 7/10 Nothing new except ball direction
Controls: 8/10 Hard to control ball like you want
Implementation: 5/10 Nothing new except ball direction
Overall: 6/10 Nothing new except ball direction
Here's a nice version of Arkanoid, a game most people are familiar with.

Most clones usually don't have that much of a difference between them. This one follows that same suit, with only a few minor details that give it an extra "something". If you're looking for a better clone, however, look to this one to answer your prayers.

The graphics are nice, and the speed of the game is great. The 256-directional ball movement add a remarkably nice touch. Kudos to the authors on that. The level editor also deserves kudos, making it easy for even a 3 year old (or, like some of you are, a stoned college student) to make spiffy levels in a snap.

Now the gripes. First off, the 256-directional ball movement IS nice, however, it does not allow you to change the ball direction very easily. Many times I smacked the ball with the edge of my paddle only to see it take a near-vertical flight instead of changing direction like I would have guessed it to. Another thing is that this isn't THAT original. Forgive me for saying, but if arkanoid games were sodas, and you had to choose between this one and another, they'd pratically taste the same, save a more sugary taste here and there. The powerups are practically the same between most (if not all) break-out games, except for this version having an "a-c-z" powerup which will take you to the next level (smart little advertisement there), or the "B(asic)" prize(?) which lowers your score quite a bit (I see BASIC programmers flaming people in the future).

To summarize my bloated review, get this game if you enjoy break-out games, because this one is (only a little bit) better than most others.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Arkanoid2v10.txt   3274
Arknoid2.86p   3135
ArkLevel.86s   271
Ark2Scrn.86s   935
Arknoid2.asm   25788
ArkLevel.asm   2043
Ark2Scrn.asm   3802
ark2leved.zip   180494

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