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[AMS v2.0x] Dr Mario v1.0


Ranked as 1414 on our all-time top downloads list with 13682 downloads.

Filename drm_20x.zip (Download)
Title [AMS v2.0x] Dr Mario v1.0
Description Dr Mario is a puzzle game similar to Tetris. Dr Mario exists for the Nintendo as well.
Author Ludvig Strigeus (luddes@usa.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 14,840 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Dec 12 00:48:49 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Dan Sandstrom
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 9/10 Keeps it like the classic Tetris.
Controls: 9/10 Easy to learn.
Implementation: 7/10 Some features missing.
Overall: 9/10 (Almost) as good as it gets.

This is 89 ASM done right. Dr. Mario is a classic game that's been done for the NES, Gameboy, and SNES for starters, and brought to the 89 by Ludvig Strigeus.

I put my mad ski11z to the test. The game is well done, it's easy to tell the colors of the virii (pl: virus) and capsules, and the speed is just right. It has the little virus dudes dancing in the corner (they fall over if you take out some of the same color), but no Mario throwing the capsules in the bottle. It still shows your next pill at least.

Too bad there isn't a two player link mode. If he added that, this game would be perfect.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
drmario.txt   1463
DRM.ASM   32574
drm.89z   4723
drmcn.asm   16344

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