[TI-H] Re: PIC16F84 Interfacing
[TI-H] Re: PIC16F84 Interfacing
At 04:56 2001-08-09, you wrote:
>the hardware is just the white wire connected to the RA0 port with a 3.9K
>resitance, and the red wire is the same but to RA1.
>Ground from the link port goes to ground of the circuit with a 1k resistor.
>Oh, it runs at 10mhz, but i think it works well at 4mhz.
>Here is the program in tigcc..
I understand this like you have them in serial to limit current.
Could be an idea to also put pullup resistors on the datalines.
Sounds like a plausible explanation why it works with vti and not a real calc.