Re: TI-H: Problems with BCC serial link
Re: TI-H: Problems with BCC serial link
From: Kaven Rousseau <>
> Hi, I bought a TI-89 last week and I'm now trying to build a BCC link. My
> TI-89 is HW 2.00 with AMS 1.05. I soldered everything to make the link..
> there are no apparent shortcuts. But it still doesn't work !
> I know my 2.5mm plug is working because I can read 3.12V on the tip and
> middle. All my diodes are the right way. Now, I'm wondering if the PNP/NPN
> transistors are the right way. Is there a difference between the left and
> right pin or I can use either one ?
Yes, there is a difference. The orientation differs between types, check
any documentation that might have come with yours. Some DMMs come
with transistor checkers, or you can check them with a diode meter. I know
which way mine go, so I haven't put much effort into learning how to
which lead is which :) Someone else might know a good way to do it.