TI-H: Re: snow, rain, and SUN!
TI-H: Re: snow, rain, and SUN!
snow worried? ha! in i aint worried 'bout any flakes of water! i want
more, MORE, MORE HAHAHA hehehe
----- Original Message -----
???: "Alejandro Paz - PSC SRL" <psys@cotelco.com.ar>
???: <ti-hardware@lists.ticalc.org>
????: Thursday, January 13, 2000 02:48
??: TI-H: snow, rain, and SUN!
> hey, you are worried about the snow, or the rain (cold of course), here
> in my country the day temperature is rounding 100 F (37C), and you are
> worried by SNOW!!!...
> a really good questieon about TI : are there a EIII in existence ?,
> schematics, sources, anybody knows if there a plan ?
> thanks, pacito