RE: TI-H: Swapping the new eZ80 for the Z80? and other stuff
RE: TI-H: Swapping the new eZ80 for the Z80? and other stuff
well, this would be possible if the z80 calcs actually used a z80
processor... from what I've understood about them, they use a z80-style core
(you can run all z80 instructions) but physically, they have other stuffs
insinde the chip housing. so, you go and pull the chip off the board, and
you pull off other things with it... don't ask me what, b/c I have no clue..
I do know that TI calcs use customized chips for their processors.
-jeff d
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Aaron Peterson
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 4:37 PM
Subject: TI-H: Swapping the new eZ80 for the Z80? and other stuff
Ooohh... Zilog has released some newer varients of the Z80... if we replaced
the z80 calc's processor with one of these, would be be able to use the
additional features with TI's hardware? I'd like to get some Hardware
floating point in my calc...