TI-H: Swapping the new eZ80 for the Z80? and other stuff
TI-H: Swapping the new eZ80 for the Z80? and other stuff
Ok. I want to talk about back lighting and overclocking... and alternative
power sources.
And processor swaping. At least we won't be talking about dead parties.
Some of you may know that there are LED backlights that use woven
monofilament to create the area.
We would be able to hook up a multicolor LED to this backlight... and use
the LED controler and a trick similar to the greyscale trick to make a
backlit color screen. everything on the screen would be black except for the
part with the color that is currently on! The refresh rate would be pretty
bad, and it would have to be viewed in the dark... but I think it would be
fun to try!
I want to overclock my TI89 (w/ 68000). I have not seen any plans for this.
* does it use resistance capacitor clocking like the z80 calcs?
*anybody done it?
Ooohh... Zilog has released some newer varients of the Z80... if we replaced
the z80 calc's processor with one of these, would be be able to use the
additional features with TI's hardware? I'd like to get some Hardware
floating point in my calc...
Also, has anybody found a small *recharable* battery that I could replace my
4AAAs with so I can use the extra space to install extras and keep the outer
appearance the same?
(I have an 85, an 86 and an 89... also a HP48g if anybody cares)
AP happy_cobbler@bigfoot.com