Re: TI-H: prob w/ 83+
Re: TI-H: prob w/ 83+
Heh.. no.
ti-89 all the way!
actually, if i had enough money, i'd buy a hp-49g, but i don't. :(
Robin Kay wrote:
> What!!! 83+'s are the best! (Don't argue, I won't listen) The 83+ may be damaged
> (try returning it) or the Flash-ROM may be corrupted (try reFlashing it if you
> have a GraphLink). I have an 83+ and it works perfectly: compact, functional, and
> low power conumption. I wouldn't trade it for any other calculator (unless I
> could sell it and buy another 83+)!
> --Robin Kay--
> wrote:
> > I think the problem is that he has a 83+. Tell him to get a real calculator
> > and not what the school tells him to. (Then again. For math up to 11th grade
> > you don't need a calculator at all)
> >
> > Kent
> > - - -(The End is the Beginning is the End)- - -