Re: TI-H: keyboard, gamepad, joystick interface
Re: TI-H: keyboard, gamepad, joystick interface
I'll do...
>hey there,
>i am back at work on writing the tsr for the keyboard, joystick, gamepad
>interface (kjgi for short). and i need to tell you (grant) what to do with
>the avr
>- i need 2 connection ports, 1 for the keyboard, 1 for the
>joystick/gamepad (standard midi)
>- depending on what signal is sent to the uC, it should send different
>bytes to the calc.
>- the uC should send data in i2c protocol
>- when i release the tsr driver i will release these apps as well
> - an unistaller (so you can use the Keypad again)
> - MChat that can use the keyboard
> - Organiser
> - some other typing games and progs
> - for the progs i listed you will have to uninstall the tsr first
>- i'll make a list for the gamepad and the joystick later
>here's a list of keys on the keyboard, and the corresponding bytes that
>should be sent to the calc in response.
>KeyOnKeyboard(KeyOnCalc) ByteToSend
>Right 001h Tab(Sto) 016h
>Left 002h Comma 018h
>Up 003h Chs 01Ah
>Down 004h . 01Bh
>Enter 006h 0 01Ch
>Esc(Exit) 007h 1 01Dh
>PrntScr(Clr)008h 2 01Eh
>Delete 009h 3 01Fh
>Next 00Bh 4 020h
>+ 00Ch 5 021h
>- 00Dh 6 022h
>* 00Eh 7 023h
>/ 00Fh 8 024h
>^ 010h 9 025h
>( LParen 011h
>) RParen 012h
>PgUp(+cont) 003h
>PgDn(-cont) 004h
>Colon(:) 005h
>Insert 00Ah
>{ (LBrack) 013h
>} (RBrack) 014h
>F1 0C2h
>F2 0C3h
>F3 0C4h
>F4 0C5h
>F5 0C6h
>Shft F1(F6) 0C7h
>Shft F2(F7) 0C8h
>Shft F3(F8) 0C9h
>Shft F4(F9) 0CAh
>Shft F5(F10)0CBh
>F6(Prgm) 083h
>F7(Cstm) 073h
>F8(Link) 078h
>Space 027h CapP 037h
>CapA 028h CapQ 038h
>CapB 029h CapR 039h
>CapC 02Ah CapS 03Ah
>CapD 02Bh CapT 03Bh
>CapE 02Ch CapU 03Ch
>CapF 02Dh CapV 03Dh
>CapG 02Eh CapW 03Eh
>CapH 02Fh CapX 03Fh
>CapI 030h CapY 040h
>CapJ 031h CapZ 041h
>CapK 032h
>CapL 033h
>CapM 034h
>CapN 035h
>CapO 036h
>= 015h p 051h
>a 042h q 052h
>b 043h r 053h
>c 044h s 054h
>d 045h t 055h
>e 046h u 056h
>f 047h v 057h
>g 048h w 058h
>h 049h x 059h
>i 04Ah y 05Ah
>j 04Bh z 05Bh
>k 04Ch
>l 04Dh
>m 04Eh
>n 04Fh
>o 050h
>David Norelid
>Fuzz Enterprises Inc.