TI-H: keyboard, gamepad, joystick interface
TI-H: keyboard, gamepad, joystick interface
hey there,
i am back at work on writing the tsr for the keyboard, joystick, gamepad
interface (kjgi for short). and i need to tell you (grant) what to do with
the avr
- i need 2 connection ports, 1 for the keyboard, 1 for the
joystick/gamepad (standard midi)
- depending on what signal is sent to the uC, it should send different
bytes to the calc.
- the uC should send data in i2c protocol
- when i release the tsr driver i will release these apps as well
- an unistaller (so you can use the Keypad again)
- MChat that can use the keyboard
- Organiser
- some other typing games and progs
- for the progs i listed you will have to uninstall the tsr first
- i'll make a list for the gamepad and the joystick later
here's a list of keys on the keyboard, and the corresponding bytes that
should be sent to the calc in response.
KeyOnKeyboard(KeyOnCalc) ByteToSend
Right 001h Tab(Sto) 016h
Left 002h Comma 018h
Up 003h Chs 01Ah
Down 004h . 01Bh
Enter 006h 0 01Ch
Esc(Exit) 007h 1 01Dh
PrntScr(Clr)008h 2 01Eh
Delete 009h 3 01Fh
Next 00Bh 4 020h
+ 00Ch 5 021h
- 00Dh 6 022h
* 00Eh 7 023h
/ 00Fh 8 024h
^ 010h 9 025h
( LParen 011h
) RParen 012h
PgUp(+cont) 003h
PgDn(-cont) 004h
Colon(:) 005h
Insert 00Ah
{ (LBrack) 013h
} (RBrack) 014h
F1 0C2h
F2 0C3h
F3 0C4h
F4 0C5h
F5 0C6h
Shft F1(F6) 0C7h
Shft F2(F7) 0C8h
Shft F3(F8) 0C9h
Shft F4(F9) 0CAh
Shft F5(F10)0CBh
F6(Prgm) 083h
F7(Cstm) 073h
F8(Link) 078h
Space 027h CapP 037h
CapA 028h CapQ 038h
CapB 029h CapR 039h
CapC 02Ah CapS 03Ah
CapD 02Bh CapT 03Bh
CapE 02Ch CapU 03Ch
CapF 02Dh CapV 03Dh
CapG 02Eh CapW 03Eh
CapH 02Fh CapX 03Fh
CapI 030h CapY 040h
CapJ 031h CapZ 041h
CapK 032h
CapL 033h
CapM 034h
CapN 035h
CapO 036h
= 015h p 051h
a 042h q 052h
b 043h r 053h
c 044h s 054h
d 045h t 055h
e 046h u 056h
f 047h v 057h
g 048h w 058h
h 049h x 059h
i 04Ah y 05Ah
j 04Bh z 05Bh
k 04Ch
l 04Dh
m 04Eh
n 04Fh
o 050h
David Norelid
Fuzz Enterprises Inc.