Re: TI-H: Re: y2k[increasingly off topic]


Re: TI-H: Re: y2k[increasingly off topic]

In a message dated 12/30/1999 4:15:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< To get even farther off topic, does anyone know how gas stations manage
 to get away with charging x.xx and 9/10's of a cent? This seems like
 fairly false advertising to me, or at least a very odd practice. Do they
 round up, down, or just charge 1.22 a gallon when the sign reads 1.21
 9/10? Anyone have a clue?
Yeah, they do that to make it look a cent cheaper, kinda like stores that 
sell everything for $x.99, but do the math, and they usually  charge you that 
extra 1/10  of a cent.

Jeff Barrett
