Re: TI-H: Drugs ( was: Linux link software.)
Re: TI-H: Drugs ( was: Linux link software.)
"Gearry R. Judkins" wrote:
> > that many of the illegal substances aren't bad if used in a responsible
> > manner, much the way most people use alcohol and tobacco,
> I think the people who can use these substances responsibly already do, and
> in my experience 'the man' tends to look the other way. That is until the
> said responsible individuals become politically active, at which point their
> responsible use of controlled substances becomes a weakness that 'the man'
> uses as leverage against them.
Here in sweden we have a quite interesting situation. Here it is forbidden even
to _have_been_ smoking it.. if you have traces of it in your blood it is
punishable. I'm quite shure we are the only country where it is not only
punishble to have illiegal drugs, but it is also punishble to be affected by it.
And if any politican even tries to raise a voice saying that _maybe_ we should
overlook our druglaws (because they are not working) he is called a "legalizer"
and that is equal to politic suicide..
Swedish government is crasy when it comes to drugs.
Just some month ago there was a small technoparty (some call them "raves") in my
town.. in the morning, there were about 80 persons left. then the police comes..
not with 3-4 officers.. not with 10 or 15.. but with _50_ of them!!! they took
30 people in fur drugtesting.. only 5 was "guilty"... this is totally insane!!