RE: TI-H: Drugs ( was: Linux link software.)
RE: TI-H: Drugs ( was: Linux link software.)
> that many of the illegal substances aren't bad if used in a responsible
> manner, much the way most people use alcohol and tobacco,
I think the people who can use these substances responsibly already do, and
in my experience 'the man' tends to look the other way. That is until the
said responsible individuals become politically active, at which point their
responsible use of controlled substances becomes a weakness that 'the man'
uses as leverage against them.
> You'd think that by now the people responsible for these tactics would
> realize that ignorance and misinformation are NOT effective ways
> to control the American population.
I disagree. The majority of our population are very effectively controlled
by misinformation and ignorance. Ignorant workers don't know how to obtain
better working conditions or better wages. Misinformation can lead them to
think that there is no hope for improvement so they have no desire to try.
Keeping the population sedated with alcohol prevents them from being
effective citizens who fight for their own interests.
After many years of attempting
> to stamp out illegal drug usage only marginal progress has been
> made (depending on who you ask).
I don't think that our government really has any desire to stamp out drug
use. They just don't like certain things about it. I have a feeling that
if heroin dealers worked out of offices and had 401k plans it would be
different story. 'The man' does not like markets that he can not control,
and illegal drugs is one of them.