Re: TI-H: Linux link software.


Re: TI-H: Linux link software.

Who cares? I don't forsee NetBSD, or any BSD for that matter, entering the
PC market anytime soon. I do, however, see linux being bought by many high
end windows users that want to try a new OS in the.... well, distant future
(the day that Redhat incorporates a windows-like setup and stays with a
specific GUI-Env.).

At 05:16 PM 4/8/99 -0800, you wrote:
>>    I recall from awhile back that somebody was writing a  link  program
>>for the Ti-86
>>for the Linux OS for one of the so-called "$4 serial link cables".  Has
>>that project
>>been finished?  If so, where can I get a copy.  If not, when will it
>>become available.
>>    The reason why I ask is because I am trying to get as far away from
>>Microsoft as I
>>can, and since everybody here seems intelligent enough to use Linux, I
>>suggest you do
>>the same.  If you need help getting Linux, just ask me.
>NetBSD is much better for hacking, which seems what everyone in here likes

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