TI-H: TI Send Routine


TI-H: TI Send Routine

Listen to 2pac...

	ldi		etemp, 8		;Send 8 bits
te:	sbrs	temp, 0			;Is bit 0 high?
	rjmp	tc				;nope
	cbi		DDRB, Datab		;Clear Data1
		Sending a 1
ta:	sbic	PINB, Dataa		;Wait for Data0 to go low
	rjmp	ta
	sbi		DDRB, Datab		;Pull Data1 high
tb:	sbis	PINB, Dataa		;Wait for Data0 to go high
	rjmp	tf				;Done with bit
tc:	cbi		DDRB, Dataa		;Clear Data0
		Sending a 0
td:	sbic	PINB, Datab		;Wait for Data1 to go low
	rjmp	td
	sbi		DDRB, Dataa		;Pull Data0 high
	sbis	PINB, Datab		;Wait for Data1 to go high
tf:	dec		etemp			;We've done that bit.  Tell
avr that.
	breq	tg				;If zero, we're done!
	lsr		temp			;Not done.  :(  Shift right
to next bit...
	rjmp	te				;Start over again...
tg:	ret						;done!