Re: TI-H: empeg player
Re: TI-H: empeg player
Grant Stockly wrote:
> >OK.... DOS fucking beats the living fuck out of windows..... without DOS,
> >windows would totally suck. Actually... they are both dependent on each
> >other. I am not going to compare shit, though. I compared one thing through
> >experience. There isn't much information to back up your theories, is
> >there? If so, send the URL, or attachment. On my system, Linux would
> >dominate DOS, really because of the network aspect. Well that, and linux is
> >free. Well, that and linux is supported better. Well, that, and.....
> I'm not talking about whats free not. Linux is not as good as DOS because
> of its multitasking. DOS does no where near as good as Linux at
> multitasking, but the way linux does it isn't good.
Do you know about the "soft" realtime scheduling policy of Linux ?
I think it may improve the performance of "realtime" software.
Anyway you're right, Linux (without the rt/linux patch) isn't a realtime
os, for that, get qnx.
> All stock kernels are worse than dos for realtime stuff.
Hem, not agree here.
Ever tried to do "two" things at realtime ? dos can't handle two tasks,
Windos can't handle neither of them while linux does both the best that
you can get (at least in the few cases I've tried, mostly moving things
between floppy disks and playing midi with a realtime view of notes played
in linux while just playing the midi in windows stopped the music every
> Get a book.
Which one ? :-)
Sorry for being offtopic on this list.
Antonio Larrosa Jimenez
Student of Mathematics
Klein bottles for rent -- inquire within.