Re: TI-H: Morse-eye
Re: TI-H: Morse-eye
>Well, you can argue semantics and all, but PC/104 is rather nice to deal
>with. Not great for commercial production, but that's a different bag
>of pain.
>I doubt my friend's going to email anyone for help, since he can design
>the whole software part of a CD^3 on his own. That's his strength. I'm
>just saying, join the team and tell them what they should do, and
>properly. The other goal of it seems to be to allow a workable computer
>system at the same time, which really boosts cost. Not to mention,
>it's easier to update an ELF binary than a decoder chip.
How do I go about joining? :\
>Finally, it's not a walking computer, it's just a walking platform. As
>in a walking TV tray. It has to be able to go forward, back, and turn.
>I'm trying to find one that can be built HUGE, like about 10 feet tall
>and capable of supporting up to 1000 lbs. The plat will also have to
>support a large base. The reasons I have for this will be revealed over
Ohh... You're getting ready for the PII 1000 computer with a liquid
cooling unit? ;)
I've got something real neat... Its IPRoute. A program that gives the
routing power of linux to dos... Want it?