Re: Re(2): TI-H: heh
Re: Re(2): TI-H: heh
>It is if you are making a fuzzy logic program. for other more standard
>applications, it would be:
>1: 1
>2: 2
>3: 3
>or whatever. that means that each nibble becomes a bit. so, e4ach of our
>256 max size bytes, of eight bits each, we have 2 bits. so, where 16bit
>value now is max 64K, witht eh 16state logic stuff, a 16bit value would be
>max:16^16. i really dont want to figure it out, but i guess it is: over
>that woud be over 18,446,744 TeraBytes of accessible ram if we had a 16bit
>address bus. even the 80286 uses 21bit address bus, so that would be able
>to address: over 19,342,813,113,830,000,000,000,000
>or, 19,342,813,113,830 Terabytes.
>or, over 19 tera-terabytes.
>hehe. this is fun!
Bus? Once 16 state logic is perfected then we will use systems better than
cray connect.