Re(2): TI-H: heh
Re(2): TI-H: heh
when you say 2 state logic thats like "true" and "false", right?
so then sixteen state would be like:
1. "true"
2. "without a doubt"
3. "absolutely"
4. "well, kind of"
5. "not really"
6. "maybe"
7. "I'm not so sure about that"
8. "pretty much"
9. "more or less"
10. "I guess so"
11. "I can't really remember right now, but yeah"
12. "oh yeah"
13. "well, I can't tell the difference"
14. "not at all"
15. "huh?"
16. "false"
or am i wrong? ;)
Posse in effect, yo
ICQ: 3512251