Re: TI-H: Internal mem expander question
Re: TI-H: Internal mem expander question
>I am afraid my only model was taken away in a house fire a few minutes ago.
>No, you can't just believe anyone. I mean if some guy says he made something
>and he tested it, he could be some fool that just wants attention so he
>makes up stories that he made this cool thing. A) I don't think the mem
>expand would fit inside the calc and B) I don't think it will take a few
>resistors, given that it should be pretty much the same as the other mem
>chip, so why not *just* share its resistors? I don't know, maybe I'm wrong,
>which means Grants wrong too, but who knows. Now let us see some pictures of
>THIS mysterious ghostly mem expander. I am sorry if I got your hopes up
>about the MP3 player, but what I described will pretty much be grant's
>player if he ever decides to complete it (I'm afraid it isn't complete to
>the public after all of these MONTHS of waiting!!!)... Despite PICTURES of
>grants player, who is to say that HE actually made it? (Besides Jimmy from
>Germany and Marc from Greece...) The world may never know, although I've had
>confidence in Grants player ever since it appeared at
marc is from Germany and JaeHuan is from Korea. :)
I don't know if marc has a digital camera...
The reason I don't have pictures is because before I got a cable modem it
would take 1 hour to upload a 50k file (Don't ask. :) )
Now I'm going to do a site makeover and make a good calc section too...
You're right. Other than the CS circut, everything else can be shared.