Re: TI-H: Internal mem expander question
Re: TI-H: Internal mem expander question
I am afraid my only model was taken away in a house fire a few minutes ago.
No, you can't just believe anyone. I mean if some guy says he made something
and he tested it, he could be some fool that just wants attention so he
makes up stories that he made this cool thing. A) I don't think the mem
expand would fit inside the calc and B) I don't think it will take a few
resistors, given that it should be pretty much the same as the other mem
chip, so why not *just* share its resistors? I don't know, maybe I'm wrong,
which means Grants wrong too, but who knows. Now let us see some pictures of
THIS mysterious ghostly mem expander. I am sorry if I got your hopes up
about the MP3 player, but what I described will pretty much be grant's
player if he ever decides to complete it (I'm afraid it isn't complete to
the public after all of these MONTHS of waiting!!!)... Despite PICTURES of
grants player, who is to say that HE actually made it? (Besides Jimmy from
Germany and Marc from Greece...) The world may never know, although I've had
confidence in Grants player ever since it appeared at
On Thu, 19 Nov 1998 21:18:17 -0600, David Knaack wrote:
> From: <>
> >Hey, I have just completed and tested an MP3 hardware expansion for the
> >TI-82 and TI-83!
> <snip>
> Are we to assume you are being sarcastic?
> If not, lets see some pictures.
> DK
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