Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)


Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)

>From: "Jon Olson" <>
>Speed over the par port is mostly the bottleneck that windows creates. 

Which one?  If you do the direct port access about your only
limitation is the time windows preempts for other tasks.
If you wanted you could set your thread to realtime priorty
and run about as fast as you'll ever get under windows.
(you will still loose a few time slices, but not enough
to make much difference.  realtime threads will actually
cause windows to miss system interrupts, should be used

>If i
>was going to do this under Linux, i'd write it as a loadable kernel 
>and talk to grant's AVR as fast as it'll receive the data. 

If you know how (I don't), you can write your routines
in a DLL that is loaded as a device driver in windows.
I don't think you get ring 0 access, but your code does
execute with fewer limitations.  Overkill for this
application though.

>i don't want people to have to modify
>their configuration to use it. also, wouldn't that disable using a 
>on the same port without first re-enabling it?

Sure does, as far as windows is concerned the port no
longer exists.

> seems like a bit of an
>annoyance to me 

Can be, but if you have multiple parallel ports its
not a problem.


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