Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)
Re: Toll Booth and junk (was Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/In...)
>Hey Grant, do you have any intention of making your
>MP3 player availble to the general public? I know
>your plans are on the web, but in their current format
>on a handful of people can understand them.
>With a coherent instruction manual, parts list, clean
>PCB layout and offer for preprogrammed AVRs you might
>actually make some money on it.
Well, that sounds good, but I think I loose more money on it than I make.
Lost about $587 so far. Hopefully I'll start to make money when the IDE
code is released.
>BTW, how do you get MP3's onto the HD?? It would be neat
>to be able to hook the player up to the computer and add/delete
>songs from the players HD.
Through your parallel or serial port.