Re: Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/Infrared/Laser Communications
Re: Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/Infrared/Laser Communications
-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, November 03, 1998 1:46 AM
Subject: Re: Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/Infrared/Laser Communications
>Saying the PIC is RISC is like saying the intel chipset is faster than
>motorola. It just isn't. :)
I'm just taking what the nice pretty data sheets told me :> all i know is it
has a nastily small instruction set which i looked at and thought avoiding
would be my best option. (technicaly it is a "reduced instruction set" :)
>I do more than AVR stuff, but there are other people doing calc programming
>so I don't bother... Everything I want for my calculator has already been
Oh, now that can't possibly be true...what about a driver for a to-be-built
realtime hologram rending system that's powered by your wearable computer at
heart, as well as some covert piece of military technology :>
>Is there a bug that lets you pass for free? :)
Yah, just tell the operator to hit 2 6 3 Run-Through Enter, wait, i'm
not supposed to tell you that...D'oh :>
>>You have to realize, we all have our areas of expertise. Mine happens to
>>programming. I've been doing it since I can remember, so i've learned a
>>about it. I myself am only in 10th grade, and i wrote the software that's
>>going to be used in the toll booths on all of deleware's turnpike. Grant
>>the other hand dedicated himself to learning how to program RISC code for
>>PICs and AVR's (and i'd immagine he knows C and 80x86 asm as well, but
>>never heard him talk about it), plus all his knowledge about electronics.
>>When you think about it, the two are closely related (the RISC an
>>electronics stuff), especially when it comes down to TI Hardware... Ok,
>>rambling about something, and I can't quite remember what, so i'll shut up
>>now :>
>>-- Jon Olson
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: ns [despuqué] <>
>>To: <>
>>Date: Sunday, November 01, 1998 10:28 PM
>>Subject: Re: Re(fcc): TI-H: Radio/Infrared/Laser Communications
>>>Wow... if Grant can make all of these little gadgets at 15yrs. with no
>>>EE knowledge, then anything is possible!... I guess...
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