Re: TI-H: Really G?


Re: TI-H: Really G?

>;*     C O D E  F O R  T H E  I 2 C  R O U T I N E  C O L L E C T I O N
>;* Number              :ACI2CVHUB004
>;* File Name           :ACI2CVHUB004.asm
>;* Title               :ECP MAS3507D Parallel Port Player
>                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Really? hehe.... wheres the portable player G!!! I told you I was
>willing to pay for the plans!

K fine.  So I copied the header from one of my mp3 projects.  :)

The portable player code for the public release isn't much.  I'm still
commenting the code and modifying the IDE code to work with the 8255.
before there was no 8255, but the 8255 will save lots of ppls drives...

