Re: TI-H: BRIAN + GRANT read


Re: TI-H: BRIAN + GRANT read

Jeez, Grant!!!  I can build a AMD/200MHz/MMX/64MB/awesome video/56K
modem/6.4GB/Awe64/14 in. for $800!!!!!  $400 will get you a PII motherboard
and chip w/ onboard sound and special video card with TV out!  You can't be
too poor to pay that, or have you just not had the time/energy to upgrade?

>I'm not jokeing!  I have a 16MHz 486/68040 (22 MIPS) as my main computer, a
>16MHz 286/68000 cxomputer again (2 MIPS), and other computers lesser in
>speed...  :(  I'm in need of speed...
>Did I mention it doesn't have an FPU or Math co processor either?  :)  At
>least it has a MMU...
>Mips is million instructions per second...  I have microcontrollers that go
>faster than my computers...  And they are about $15 a piece!  :)
>>>It all adds up...  :)  I want a new computer...  My 16Mhz computer
>>>cut it...  :(
>>How can you stand only having a 16mhz or were you just joking?
>>Brian Carpenter
>>Get Your Private, Free Email at
