TI-H: New Address!!!
TI-H: New Address!!!
Just to let the list know, I got a redirecting address now that will take you
to my page. it's http://come.to/richfiles and it will redirect your browser to
go to my normal address at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/5081/Richfiles.html
You don't need to change book marks or anything though, and it is free, and I
just felt like braging.
I'll be posting my new robots up on my page too! I'm probably going to add a
separate robot section onto my nav menu. I'll try to do a bot controlable by a
TI calc later, but i don't know ASM yet. If I could build a Neural network to
recognize TI-protocol, I could just send variables from within a a TI-BASIC
program to control it. For now I'm just sticking to verbal responses, as they
are much easier to do (although extremely picky). I'm not even going to bother
installing it though till my realy big bot. It'll realy be cool.
Though TI control is possible, i'm generaly avoiding any computer control for
now. I'm sticking with Neural/Nervous networks for now. I prefer hardware
logic and neural pathways over If and for loops.
Someday I'll get to actualy upgrading my page! Someday that is!
Richard Piotter
The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page: