Re: TI-H: IDE HDD Driver (now an image format thread) [Actually, more


Re: TI-H: IDE HDD Driver (now an image format thread) [Actually, more of a war]

How about a real-time virtual holograph of the schematics that changes as
you're working on it.  When you start to make the actual circuit, the
hologram will show it being built as it happens.  That way everyone can
follow along.
~Larry C

On Mon, 15 Jun 1998 18:55:26 -0400 Christopher Kalos
<> writes:
>C'mon Grant, have some backbone!  Go ahead, send them as XPM's...  I 
>can view them
>under Win95 thanks to a little program called MakeXPM, which I found 
>on one of the
>many LiteStep sites.  start at and 
>work your
>way from there.  As far as I'm concerned, explorer is a piece of 
>garbage, and
>between litestep and 4dos, my laptop is screaming to run Linux or 
>FreeBSD.  I'm
>just waiting to get system #9 in August, my dedicated net server/dev 
>running on a dual P][-400, and a double Voodoo2 graphics system.  Why? 
>Because I'm
>still working on a 3d engine, and if I can limit the raytracing rules 
>enough, I
>might be able to get it running realtime.  As of now, I'm limited to 
>lighting still can't handle shadow due to object intersections, and 
>other countless
>problems.  However, once the game is done (give me a couple of years, 
>the engine's
>modular nature will allow me to spend more time than most other groups 
>can afford
>to waste), I may release the bulk of my algorithms.  My main issues to 
>tackle are
>curved surfaces (like the Trinity engine), and realtime deformations.  
>streams should be simple... anyway... back to the point, image formats 
>don't get
>much more universal than bmp, gif, jpg, and even xpm, if you look hard 
>enough... :)
>Song of the Minute: David Bowie- Space Oddity
>Grant Stockly wrote:
>> Come on...  I've been joleing about all the X11 and CW5 formats...  
>> >I think that it should be in GIF format so that any computer user 
>> >view it.
>> >
>> >
>> >Grant Stockly wrote:
>> >>
>> >> How about an X11 bitmap?  That way people with a real OS could 
>> >>it...  :)
>> >>
>> >> >Personaly, i'd still recomend saving as a pict and converting it 
>to a
>> >>GIF with
>> >> >graphic converter. Than ANYONE can view it.
>> >> >
>> >> >Post it to your page or something. if it's small enough, then 
>maybe send it
>> >> >via attachment.
>> >> >--
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >Richard Piotter
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page:
>> >> >

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