Re: TI-H: Expanders?
Re: TI-H: Expanders?
>Grant Stockly wrote:
>> You can build it, but both Bryan and Mel don't like the idea. Its called
>> 'Grants Not excepted Idea because its dumb and impracticle' expander.
>> Thats GNEIBIDAI Expander. Its an AVR that emulates the ESF chip.
>Sorry Grant, but I -VERY- much doubt you have that working. If you
>do, I'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount of money just to see
>the firmware source. Just ask mel, emulating the ESF chip with
>a 45D041 is no easy task. Have you actually tested it, or is it
>one of those things where you spent half an hour thinking about it,
>scribbled out some firmware, and never actually tried it? God knows
>I have enough projects like that... the important thing is that
>the E2 is not one of them. You can make fun of the deadlines as much
>as you want, but the E2 was not ready in February, I do have a life
>outside of TI-H (yeah, believe it or not) and I will not put my
>name or even advertize something that is not salesworthy.
I already told you i'd give you the source in IRC and you totally blew me
off... :\
I'm not making fun of the deadlines... :) It works, thats my point. Your
timing delay needs to be fixed in order to work right on the 10MHz
resonator. You don't get 50ns on any of the AVRs... :( Atmel was
actually advertising 20MHz versions of all its chips for a while.