Re: TI-H: Expanders?


Re: TI-H: Expanders?

Grant Stockly wrote:
> You can build it, but both Bryan and Mel don't like the idea.  Its called
> 'Grants Not excepted Idea because its dumb and impracticle' expander.
> Thats GNEIBIDAI Expander.  Its an AVR that emulates the ESF chip.

Sorry Grant, but I -VERY- much doubt you have that working. If you
do, I'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount of money just to see
the firmware source. Just ask mel, emulating the ESF chip with
a 45D041 is no easy task. Have you actually tested it, or is it
one of those things where you spent half an hour thinking about it,
scribbled out some firmware, and never actually tried it? God knows
I have enough projects like that... the important thing is that
the E2 is not one of them. You can make fun of the deadlines as much
as you want, but the E2 was not ready in February, I do have a life
outside of TI-H (yeah, believe it or not) and I will not put my
name or even advertize something that is not salesworthy.



Bryan Rittmeyer

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