Re: TI-H: ti-calc schematics...
Re: TI-H: ti-calc schematics...
1. It's an acronym Grant made up when he answered your last question.
2. Grant makes up a lot of acronyms; you'll be likely to see a lot of them
3. There are a number of documents on which describe how the TI
calculators communicate with one another. Here's a basic explanation of
what happens on the electrical level:
There are three wires. One is a ground, used as a reference so the
receiving calculator can tell if a signal is high or low. One of the wires
represents a binary "1", and the other represents a binary "0". In other
words, if the sending calc wants to send a "1" bit, it will take the "1"
line low (0v) and wait for an acknowledgement (the receiver pulls the "0"
line low). If the sending calc wanted to send a "0" bit, it would take the
"0" line low and wait for the receiver to pull the "1" line low to
acknowledge. I haven't had time to figure out which line is which,
A series of 8 bits will be reassembled into a byte at the receiver, and
then the discussion steps up to the actual protocol level. It's discussed
in the documents I mentioned on ticalc. I think there is one called
linkprot.txt and should be in the same place as the port7 stuff.
On Sun, 12 Jul 1998, Eric M. Fiterman wrote:
> What exactly is the TIP? Can it be changed at the assembly level?
Greg Hill