Re: TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!
Re: TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!
sorry man, mem chips = 2-3+ pins, floppy interface = 34 pins in addition to a
very complicated data stream. Also the LS-120's would be even more difficult,
they actually use an ide interface and emulate a floppy w/ drivers.
Michael Cook wrote:
> Hello. We all want more mem for our calcs. But why
> should we use mem chips that have limited capacity? If we
> were to interface a 3.5" disk drive, we could carry around
> DISKS of games, and at ~6K each, that is over 225 games! If
> we could compress, that would be even more. How do you get
> games on it? You could send them to your calc (a few at a
> time) and then to it like a normal expander, or send them
> all at once by your comp's disk drive. If we made our own
> format then both PCs and Macs could make and share the
> games. Also, if you opt, you could buy a LS-120 drive to
> hold about 20,000 6k games! RPGs could have two parts, the
> game that goes on your calc and the data on the disk. That
> could be up to 120mb of graphics, text, etc.
> ---------------------------------------
> Michael Cook
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> I pledge allegiance to the compatibles of IBM, and to the
> developers for which it stands, one platform, under Bill,
> indestructible, with peripherals and multimedia for all.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Michael Bryan Cook <>
> Owner/Founder
> Livingroom Software
> Michael Bryan Cook
> Owner/Founder <>
> Livingroom Software
> Additional Information:
> Version 2.1
> Last Name Cook
> First Name Michael
> Additional NameBryan
> Label Work USA
> Label Home USA
> Revision 19980118T012957Z