TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!
TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!
Hello. We all want more mem for our calcs. But why
should we use mem chips that have limited capacity? If we
were to interface a 3.5" disk drive, we could carry around
DISKS of games, and at ~6K each, that is over 225 games! If
we could compress, that would be even more. How do you get
games on it? You could send them to your calc (a few at a
time) and then to it like a normal expander, or send them
all at once by your comp's disk drive. If we made our own
format then both PCs and Macs could make and share the
games. Also, if you opt, you could buy a LS-120 drive to
hold about 20,000 6k games! RPGs could have two parts, the
game that goes on your calc and the data on the disk. That
could be up to 120mb of graphics, text, etc.
Michael Cook
MBCook@MBCook.com (website related)
MBCook@Concentric.net (general)
Digi02@aol.com (checked once per month)
www.MBCook.com (Main Site)
www.MBCook.com/netsmart.html (NetSmart Homepage)
I pledge allegiance to the compatibles of IBM, and to the
developers for which it stands, one platform, under Bill,
indestructible, with peripherals and multimedia for all.
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