TI-H: connect-85 problems
TI-H: connect-85 problems
Has anyone actuly built a connect-85, that works?
I have built the connect-85 and have been unable to use it successfully
with the connect-85 software. I have also tried useing almost all of the
other software programs listed on ti-calc.org, all of which were
unsuccessful. I have tested the hardware using a break-out box and have
foud it to work fine. I had to modify the harware to prevent the
calculator from being slowed down, by tieing the the inverter (74ls04)
outputs to gound with a 1K resistor and beef up the 6K to 120K. I have
also tested the serial port using Cross Talk (XTalk) and to computers,
and have found no problems using either comm1 or comm2. I tested the
port on the calculator by sending a program to another calculator. This
gives me reason to believe that the software is not working properly.
can anybody offer a suggestion as to what might solve my problems? I am
confused as to why the link does not use pins 2$3 of the serial port.
Can anybody offer an explanation for this? I have also tried the $5
paralell link, unsuccessfully.
-mj <matt.johnson@wmich.edu>