RE: TI-H: I2C status - now it's the TI-Bus!
RE: TI-H: I2C status - now it's the TI-Bus!
Christopher Kalos wrote:
> I was the one who wanted to design the XI2C expander, but I'm still holding for
> higher density chips. Also, how EXACTLY do I interface an I2C chip to the link
> port? I mean as in which lines have to be connected to what on a chip, and the
> like. I'm guessing that a serial/parallel converter might be needed, but I
> need to know more.
The SDA (Serial DAta) pin goes to the tip of the link port connector (red wire
of the original TI-TI link cable) and the SCL (Serial CLock) pin to the ring
of the link port connector. Ground is, of course, connected to ground. I2C
and XI2C use only these three interface pins. That's why they're very easy
to connect to the link port. The driver is the hard part in making an
It would probably be wise to make the XI2C expander connect to the SPinTerface,
so you get the power from the SPinTerface connector. Check the pinout of
the SPinTerface yourself.
*** Osma Suominen *** *** ***