Re: TI-H: Grant, I blame you
Re: TI-H: Grant, I blame you
Well I was walking by a cubical the other day late after work and a female
employee was having sex with a linux box, so I guess linux is male.
At 11:47 AM 12/30/98 PST, you wrote:
>><< (just j/king, nothing personal.. I just
>> wonder if my ISP noticed the sudden surge in incoming email... :)>>
>><grammar police>
>>j/k means 'just kidding' so you essentially just said: 'just just
>></grammar police>
>I don't believe that internet shorthand falls under proper
>grammer rules. Although the term "j/k" is used almost
>exclusively as shorthand for "just kidding", there are no
>formal rules, so the meaning must be inferred from the context.
>In this case, "j/k" is apparently being used as shorthand
>for "joke", yeilding "just joking". Curiously, the added
>"ing" suffix requires the removal of the "e" from "joke"
>anyway, and thus saves no keystrokes whatsoever. Therefore,
>in this case it would have been clearer to simply type the
>entire word "joking" instead of attempting to use a shorthand
>It is of course possable that "just j/king" is, as you
>noted, a perverted form of "just kidding", in which case
>I agree with your assment of redundancy. I would presume
>that the author of the statment either did not know the
>common usage of "j/k" or has simply included it in a
>misguided attempt to avoid typing out "kidd".
>The content of messages authored by me are not intended
>to be examples of correct written American English, and
>frequently contain mispelling and grammatical errors.
>Unless refrences are specificly cited, factual content
>is my opinion, and is subject to correction by myself
>or others. Corrections relating to spelling and grammar
>that do not significantly effect the content of the
>message are not necessary, corrections that DO relate
>directly to the content, and could change the meaning
>of the content from its intended meaning are appriciated
>if presented in a non-confrontational, constructive manner.
>Howd'ya like them apples, huh?
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