Re: TI-H: Grant, I blame you
Re: TI-H: Grant, I blame you
><< (just j/king, nothing personal.. I just
> wonder if my ISP noticed the sudden surge in incoming email... :)>>
><grammar police>
>j/k means 'just kidding' so you essentially just said: 'just just
></grammar police>
I don't believe that internet shorthand falls under proper
grammer rules. Although the term "j/k" is used almost
exclusively as shorthand for "just kidding", there are no
formal rules, so the meaning must be inferred from the context.
In this case, "j/k" is apparently being used as shorthand
for "joke", yeilding "just joking". Curiously, the added
"ing" suffix requires the removal of the "e" from "joke"
anyway, and thus saves no keystrokes whatsoever. Therefore,
in this case it would have been clearer to simply type the
entire word "joking" instead of attempting to use a shorthand
It is of course possable that "just j/king" is, as you
noted, a perverted form of "just kidding", in which case
I agree with your assment of redundancy. I would presume
that the author of the statment either did not know the
common usage of "j/k" or has simply included it in a
misguided attempt to avoid typing out "kidd".
The content of messages authored by me are not intended
to be examples of correct written American English, and
frequently contain mispelling and grammatical errors.
Unless refrences are specificly cited, factual content
is my opinion, and is subject to correction by myself
or others. Corrections relating to spelling and grammar
that do not significantly effect the content of the
message are not necessary, corrections that DO relate
directly to the content, and could change the meaning
of the content from its intended meaning are appriciated
if presented in a non-confrontational, constructive manner.
Howd'ya like them apples, huh?
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