Re: Re(2): TI-H: mind vs. computer
Re: Re(2): TI-H: mind vs. computer
It wouldn't necessarily take the whole russian moffia's fire power to run a
human-like AI. I mean, all you need to begin with are the building blocks
of learning (which I realize might be quite a sum of power, but not GHz and
Pitabytes or whatever). Then it could teach itself and so on or whatever
and build its own kingdom and stuff.
At 04:24 PM 12/20/98 -0900, you wrote:
>If you were to make a robot with full human AI, you wouldn't be using a
>single processor type of technology unless it was several GHz. It would
>take a year to figure out wether to open or close the door.
>The fake stuff they have right now has GBs of databases that it needs to
>access hundreds of times just to make an extremely small decision.
>Thats why organic storage is being worked on. Imagine access rates the
>speed of the size of the media... :)
>Anyway, I didn't say -robot-, I said human computer.
>>What? Oh I'm sorry... we HAVE to use risc in order to run a robot. Thats
>>bullshit, it could be possible with almost any processor and if I had a
>>CISC lying around I just might use that.
>>At 08:08 PM 12/19/98 -0900, you wrote:
>>>>Yea... thats why I had this line:
>>>>>>>its RAM? Aww poor P350... Used to have 128MB PC 100 SDRAM and now it
>>>I know. And I said if it were a real human computer it wouldn't start out
>>>CISC. Scientists would use a RISC 512 processor 670MHz a processor DEC
>>>based CRAY.
>>>Or we could just use wintel...