Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
Well CMU's IRC server is gay... but everyone else's IRC server is pretty
damn straight! (except the gays and the mackie's or if you want to combine
them into the same group, but I'm sure its true that there are some gay PC
users out there, so let us not.)
At 02:06 PM 12/19/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm pretty sure there is more than one IRC server and IRC is GAY
>At approximately 2:41 PM -0500 on the day Earth People call 12/19/98,
>you declared:
>> I forgot that the only IRC server for macs sucks ass... oh well... poor
>> macs... we should all just forget macOS and encourage Linux. Then maybe a
>> Mac user will be able to say "my mac is better than your wintel!" without
>> disagreement.
>I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to
>the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs,
>indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all.