Re:TI-H: TI link protocol
Re:TI-H: TI link protocol
>> Wow.. here's a response to an earlier mail from you (October 96) on the same
>> topic:
>archives go back that far?!? Anyway, I never actually did anything with
>the port.. just repeated what I had heard here on TI-H. A dangerous thing
>to do, indeed. :)
>> First the sending calc pulls either R or W to ground, to indicate a 0
>> or 1, respectively. The recieving calc then pulls the other wire to
>> ground, to confirm that the bit was recieved. Both calcs then clear
>> the link (all lines are brought back to 1), and then repeat the
>> process for all 8 bits.
>So there is a wire A and a wire B. If the sender pulls wire A low, it
>means the sender wants to send a 0, and the receiver pulls B low to ack.
>But if sender wants to send a 1, it pulls wire B low and the receiver
>pulls A low to ack.
>Is that how it works..? If so, does the tip on the link cable correspond
>to wire A or wire B?
>Greg Hill
The red wire's the tip
the white wire is the center
ground is the third wide ring
I'll bet you can probly find out what A and B are with a voltameter, no, probly not. Try e-mailing Andreas Ess. He would know.
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