Re: TI-H: Grant: ...


Re: TI-H: Grant: ...

so what you are telling us is that a *smart* guy like you can't get into 
an irc channel cause some lewser baned or kicked you...?  Im sure if you 
realy wanted to you could(I could).

>Because I'm alaways banned or kicked or not invited into ti chanels...  
>gets old when AmyFisher or who ever bans me...
>Last time on irc the only thing that happened was mel putting me down 
so I
>realy don't think its worth it right now...  Maybe later...
>>Grant: Why don't you get on the damn irc? You can communicate with 
>>We're all in EFNet #ti ...
>> - Brook Elliot <> -
>>   Network Administrator, Bridges.Edu
>>   ICQ: 1462166
>>   IRC: Proxy
>> -----------------------------------------

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