TI-H: NM29A040/080 PDF: GOT IT!!!
TI-H: NM29A040/080 PDF: GOT IT!!!
> I'm going to not port the EII driver to the 85, but port the EII to the 85!
> There is already a driver for the 85 that thinks its on a serial flash
> ram, well, if I make the AVR an interceptor that just translates the block
> number into a usable number on the other flash it would work!
> I hope national still has product info for that chip on their page... If
> someone can find that info, I'll make it.
I've got the original PDF files in my hardware folder and the hardcopy's about
11 feet behind me! (:
I'll send you the PDF if you like, but PDF fils are so big! it sucks! It'll
probably take a while to download, so i'll direct it at your personal e-mail,
i you want it! (It's the PDF for the original NM29A040/080 series flash memory
chips used by the original ESF).
> And if bryan and I get together, we could make two modes...one for 8x calcs
> and one for the 92. btw, since the 8x calcs won't use the ti protocall,
> the 8x expander will be faster... :) hehehe
Richard Piotter
The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page: