Re: TI-H: Radio Link
Re: TI-H: Radio Link
Does your e-mail still not work bryan? I've tried about 5 times to contact
you about your beta EII design. Its not the crystal thats too fast, its
the code... In some places an extra delay routine was needed... Also, one
of your delay routines didn't take in account that the AVR operates at
100nsec and the pic at 62.5 (or close) at 10MHz. Fixing that and a few
other things made the thing work fine for me...
I guess you are still trying to release it? What evers up with it, I guess
you and not me are going to release it... Did you realy never get any of
my e-mails? I've sent you about 5 which told about what was wrong... In
one of them I enclosed a working firmware design to work with 10MHz.
Basically, if you want, I've got an EII... :) <grant is feeling almighty
and powerful> <j/k>
>Care to provide us with a phone number and/or
>Grant Stockly wrote:
>> >>Its a matter of bargining with the company that makes them... I bought
>> >>one, modified it, and then it worked...
>> >
>> >
>> >Oh. . .
>> >
>> >Maybe I could get one (me where) and pull a Rich and map it out :) Unless
>> >he wants to do it. . .
>> I'm doing that right now... It appears to operate at about 380 MHz so its
>> probably in the ham radio band somewhere... It is low power enough so taht
>> you can use it wiothout a lisense though... It is possible to use an amp
>> to it... :)