Re: TI-H: Motion control and a UNIVERSAL Interface


Re: TI-H: Motion control and a UNIVERSAL Interface

Osma Suominen wrote:

> Also, the IR link is again under development, and I think I have a
> well-working prototype ready soon...I've figured out some very important
> things lately.

Don't take this as a personal attack -- however, the EuP is going to include
a serial port which will make developing an IR link brainlessly simple. The
problem is that if I wish this port to also work with the PC GraphLink
I'll have to speed it up to 9600 - Not a problem at all for the PIC, but
a simple IR link that works at 9600 is pretty difficult do to problems with
nice IR receiver modules you can buy at ratshack (which have a latency.) 300
is much easier to implement for IR, so I may need a variable speed port for
the EuP. Either way its not overly difficult and I have tons of firmware
EEPROM left.

If only I didn't have an overwhelming amount of school work.. :`(

Bryan Rittmeyer

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