TI-H: Motion control and a UNIVERSAL Interface
TI-H: Motion control and a UNIVERSAL Interface
>>I am interested in doing some motion control with the ti-85 but first
>>need to know how the link port is clocked. How does the calculator
>>signal to another what speed it is transfering at if the calcs are
>>to transfer at variable speeds (depending on battery power).
>The calc to calc protocol is asynchronous, as are all the homemade link
>cables. The official GraphLink converts the TI protocol to 9600 baud.
The calc WORKS with I2C, and that has been proven, and I2C can support
multiple devices, correct, so why not use three or four I2C 8-bit
interface chips and some sort of latch to connect the TI DIRECTLY to the
Universal paralel interface that a guy named Bruce Chubb designed. The
Interface can connect to nearly any computer with a serial port or a
parralel port. It can even be connected dirrectly to the computer's bus
and set to occupy a memory location that's free. It was designed
SPECIFICLY for any computer, and was optimized to work at whatever speed
the computer runs at and it can support (not sure) around 1500
individual control lines, or AD and DA converters that occupy 8 lines at
a time. The device is a proven system that works. It became the base for
many home built Model Railroad controlers and even HOMEMADE SECURITY
SYSTEM!!!!!!! The guy who designed this thing (Bruce Chubb) built it
back when 32K was considered awesome, 64K was overkill, and the apple
][e was new!!! He won a science fair with his design and later wrote his
book which featured computers up to the Mac SE and ATs (1987). He
originaly designed it to run a model railroad with a MILE of track and
47 engines. The computer (an Apple ][+) could independently run all the
trains, simultaneously, making sure they don't crash and that they stop
at sertain locations. I believe that the I2C 8-bit interface chips could
easily be used to connect the calcs to this universal interface. The
interface is copyrighted, but he gives permission to copy the board
patterns in order to build them. Most of the designs are generic buffers
and address circuits, so the design could even be modified. I could even
build them for people if it became something that could easily be done.
My request...
Info/samples for the I2C 8-Bit interface chip.
Most of all, someone who is good with I2C programming and knows how to
access multiple I2C chips.
A type of driver might be feasible, and then programs could read and
send data through the driver. This would make a standard interface that
anyone could use to run any setup of the hardware. There might even be
extra lines on one of the I2C interface chis, so it might be possible to
increase the number of possible I/O lines. The system uses a modular
motherboard based system that can use a maximum of 64 cards, each with
24 I/O lines or 3 8-bit AD or DA converters. The book is from TAB and
this would kick CBL's ASS!!! q:
Wish me some luck! Pleeeease!!! (;
Richard Piotter
e-mail: richfiles@hotmail.com
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