TI-H: I'm new here, questions.. (also RE: Networks)
TI-H: I'm new here, questions.. (also RE: Networks)
On May 26, 9:53am,
> How does a decentralized network work? Can we do it?
Actually, yes! A decentralized network works on the princible of
broadcasting a packet along the network, and those machines which are set to
recieve the packet make use of it, the others simply pass it on. There is also
the concept of domains, for instance a packet from the network here on my
computer won't reach yours because the campus network doesn't let local packets
be sent to external networks.
Hello, I'm new here, my name is Bryan Turner, I'm currently enroled at North
Carolina State University's Computer Science program (I'm a Senior & leaving
soon, YAY!).
I rescently purchased a TI-92 calculator to play with in my spare time, and
was wondering about some things which I've not been able to find in any of the
- The TI-92 has an expantion module for 256K & more languages, where do I
order it?
- Has anyone succeded in upping the 10Mhz clock to 12 or 16 (speeds which
are specified on Motorola's page about 68k chips as possible packages)?
- Any other cool hardware enhancements that have passed by... I couldn't
find any archives either :(
For anyone interested, I'm currently writing a memory-resident debugger
(much like RecLib, but for any program, which includes the ability to edit the
registers, PC, and memory).
Hope to chat with you some more!